Navigation Heights Whitby
Project Overview: The Navigation Heights subdivision was split into 3 stages. The earthworks consisted of over 325,000 m3. This was in typical Whitby clay material, many types of clays with variable (high) moisture contents. Highly weathered greywacke in the largest cut. We performed the necessary surveys and also had GPS machine control on excavators, bulldozers, compactors, graders. Very environmentally sensitive site with tributaries running to Pauatahanui Inlet. Protected flora & fauna on site. Very close proximity to residence. Interaction with Transmission Gully (adjacent site).
Erosion and Sediment control
Construct and maintain silt fences, super silt fences, SRP, DEB, CW & DW cut offs.
Floc management.
Hay stabilise.
Geotextile lined diversions.
Onsite road brooms and watercart.
Rock lined road subgrade.
Supply & maintenance of mechanical wheel wash.
Weekly GWRC audits.
Over 325,000m3 of earthworks
Cut to fill using elevated scrapers and digger dumper operations.
Cut to offsite waste dump.
Topsoil strip & respread.
Imported hardfill
Blending materials to obtain correct compaction results