
Jim Cooke Stopbank

Project Overview: Reconstructing of 1.8km Waikanae river stopbank for Greater Wellington Regional Council consisting of 13,000 m3 of river run extracted from the river by digger dumper operations which involved multiple river crossings. This was a very public site and we had to manage many pedestrians on a daily basis, houses were also close to the worksite. Strict noise requirements and work involved constant monitoring of river levels.


  • 1.2Ha of clearing tree and shrub vegetation.

Erosion & Sediment Control

  • GWRC requirements were met

  • Work was within the flood plain so controls were silt fencing and stabilised bunds

  • Strict noise, vibration, and dust restrictions had to be met.

  • A self-filling watercart was used for dust control with water taken from the Waikanae river


Boulcott Hutt Stopbank